#yongguk romance
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✦ Nome do personagem: Nam Garam. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Bang Yongguk - Solista. ✦ Data de nascimento: 31/03/1990 ✦ Idade: 33 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreano, Coreia do Sul. ✦ Qualidades: Paciente, iluminativo, empático. ✦ Defeitos: Privado, ambivertido, esquivo. ✦ Moradia: Asphodel Meadows. ✦ Ocupação: Proprietário do Dionysus Lounge. ✦ Twitter: @AM90GARAM ✦ Preferência de plot: FLUFFY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Ele gosta de participar dos eventos, é engajado no comércio e nos ambientes do condomínio, mas a vida privada é bem assim: privada. Não gosta de muita bagunça na própria casa, que é seu lugar de descanso.
TW’s na bio: Aborto espontâneo, leve menção de depressão. Biografia:
Apesar da aparência e dos momentos de baixa energia social, Garam é um doce. Um homem que escreve poesias, que ama tanto tigres que adotou um online, que chora fácil mas chora sozinho e não tem vergonha de sorrir. Lidar com os demônios na cabeça nunca é fácil, mas música, a arte, tudo dá forças pra continuar – o grande motivo de ele sempre se manter fazendo alguma coisa, experimentando alguma coisa nova. Sabem o que dizem de mente vazia.
Garam cresceu cercado de arte e criação, de expressão através de mídias. Hoje em dia ele faz tanta coisa que é difícil botar no papel, é o fundador de um coletivo de artistas, é proprietário de um prestigioso bar (onde ele não só contribui pessoalmente pra seleção de vinhos e uísques em sociedade com seu irmão gêmeo), é músico, ilustrador, e recentemente se formou no cursinho de inglês para conversação. A pronuncia ainda é meio enferrujada mas necessária pra expandir os negócios, melhor atender os clientes, essas coisas.
Seu grande orgulho, o BLVCK POLISH COLLECTIVE, é um grupo de pintores, músicos, atores, criadores e amantes das artes que juntam as mentes e as criatividades para criar juntos e em harmonia. Garam é o criador do coletivo junto com o melhor amigo, que é artista plástico, pintor e ilustrador. Começou sendo um projeto apenas entre amigos, mas tudo foi crescendo. Cada um contribui com o coletivo como pode, todos se ajudando entre si em uma grande corrente artística e dinâmica abrindo raízes que já espalham por Seoul. Não é exagero pra ele dizer que essa iniciativa salvou a vida dele.
Isso aconteceu anos atrás, Garam ainda com gostinho dos vinte e poucos anos na boca.
Por um momento, que pareceu breve demais, ele achou que era isso o que iria acontecer. Era tanto amor, tanta vontade de ficar junto, que Garam até passou a se emocionar de verdade assistindo a filmes de comédia romântica ou prestar atenção em como a primavera tinha cores bonitas andando com sua motinha pela praça. Coisas que ele achou que nunca só acontecem em filmes ou poemas hiperbólicos.
Formado, trabalhando, aliança de noivado no dedo, Instagram lotado de modinha de fotos de casal segurando as mãos ou usando moletons combinando, as duas pessoas mais felizes dali. As fotos logo foram deixando de ser de passeios e de comida pra virarem fotos de sapatinhos de bebê, enxoval e barriga da mamãe crescendo.
Nenhum dos dois conseguiu superar aquela noite quando ela acordou gritando e eles foram para o hospital. O bebê não sobreviveu e algo dentro dos dois também morreu junto com o coraçãozinho que nem tinha se formado direito. Acontece, os médicos disseram, primeira gravidez é sempre mais complicada. Vocês vão tentar de novo.
Mas não houve de novo.
O filho não sobreviveu, a alegria da não-mãe não sobreviveu, o noivado não sobreviveu, o relacionamento não sobreviveu. O que restou de uma alegria imensa de quase sete anos foi apenas um apartamento vazio, um lado esquerdo da cama de casal que doída de olhar, e Garam tentando viver um dia de cada vez.
A vontade de se mudar foi óbvia, não dava pra continuar naquele lugar. E ao invés de um apartamento isolado, Garam hoje em dia mora em um condomínio com muito movimento, pessoas, seus investimentos, paixões e empregos ocupando cada cantinho e esquina da sua cabeça; é bom pra ele morar ali. Os sorrisos hoje em dia vem sem precisar de esforço.
Hoje em dia ele se sente uma pessoa novamente.
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giggles spill from glossy lips to his playing along with her bit, always finding the other to match her own sense of humour which has always been something extremely important to tick off of a potential boyfriend list. " hm ? well now let's not be too hasty, your stale way of handling things always had it's charm too. " the femme shrugs, she knows there's certain things he could probably do better but overall she doesn't want to change a thing about him. " yeah yeah, " eyes roll but the slight smile on her face tells him all he needs to know. just as yongguk glances down at their hands still intertwined she does the same whilst he thinks of his answer, lips forming a small pout. " if you were gonna lose me it would've happened after the first time, silly. " scoffs out in disbelief that he still thought something like that could happen between them after everything they've put each other through by not just simply being together. " over romance kills the mood and you should know that about me being my best friend and all —— i think you're the perfect amount, if you must know. " practically shivers at her own nice little compliments towards him, she doesn't know what they've become. are they cute together now ? what a concept. " oh, uh— well 'cause i'm a traditionalist like that ? honestly i don't know, didn't really think that was an option to be honest with you. "
" endless amounts. " one thing the duo was good at, taunting and being playful with one another, until either of them would break; it having become their way of communicating with each other now, and he found it enjoyable and amusing altogether. " i bet you do, you've never enjoyed my stale way of handling things. " another observation he had made over the years of postponing them actually giving them a shot, bitna would reach a level of impatience and therefore nothing ever happened more than messing around a little. " hey, that's why i brought you here - even if i think you've most likely gotten italien before. " snorts, single digit scratching at his temple before brown orbs catches her after ordering, flashing her his usual smile, full of charm, only to chuckle at her statement of it taking them years to reach this date. " scared of ? hm ... " mail trailed off, allowing eyes to wander down to connected hands as he gathered his thoughts together a little. " i guess of losing you, what we had together, even if us messing around already tested that. " nodding slowly, eyes meeting hers once more. " and maybe just scared of commitment, since i know i'm not a romantic guy, which many dreams of their partner. " hoping he made sense, as he then squints eyes and demeanor turns playful again. " how come you never asked me out directly ? why did it have to be me ? "
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Bem-Vindo, @yul_inguk! 즐기되 조심하라.
Nome do personagem: Bang Inguk. Faceclaim: Wonwoo - Seventeen. Nascimento: 06/01/1996. Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, coreano. Ocupação: Autor de Webtoon. Bairro: Jangsa-dong.
TW na bio: Abandono de incapaz e bullying.
Em meio uma nevasca fria que castigava a madrugada de Seoul, em uma rua de um bairro de classe média, o som do vento congelante e a paz do inverno era interrompido por um choro alto que podia ser ouvido ao longe. Uma moradora do bairro teve seu sono leve interrompido pela gritaria desesperada do grito infantil, o que a levou da cama confortável que dividia com seu marido até rua congelante, seguindo a origem do som e subindo a rua, o que a senhora iria encontrar em meio a sacos de lixos era nada mais, nada menos um bebê. Não foi em nenhum momento perguntado na cabeça, quem fez aquilo, ou o porquê.
A mulher que vinha a ser Bang Jiyoung, que havia recentemente havia se submetido a uma recente cirurgia de remoção de útero e portanto infértil. O encontro com a criança reativou sua conexão materna que Jiyoung julgava desaparecida e a fez no mesmo momento iniciar a luta pela guarda do bebê, conseguido em pouco tempo. Esse bebê, meu caro leitor viria a ser Bang Inguk. Despistando o passado trágico, teve uma infância normal mesmo com pais médicos, que revezavam para cuidar, ensinar e prover o amor necessário. O resto da família demoraria um longo tempo para se acostumar com a ideia de que Bang era da família, mesmo não carregando os genes, seus primos não a considerarem parte dela por ser adotada, assim Jiyoung adotou Yongguk, seu irmão mais velho, mas tinha uma mania de ter um comportamento problemático desaprovado pelo sua família, mas um complemento de amor dentro dele, lá no fundo.
Ser negligenciado pela parte biológica pode ter o influenciado a querer ter poucos amigos e pouca vontade de fazer novas amizade por não se sentir parte de nada, era tímido demais para iniciar assuntos e com o tempo passou a preferir assim. Conseguiu dessa forma ser tachado de estranho pelos colegas, mas não chegou a levar tanta importância. Ao crescer foi que isso piorou infelizmente, a habilidade de Inguk de não conseguir/querer se enturmar o deixou solitário sendo um alvo perfeito bullying, por ser esquisto, por não se encaixava no padrão, então Inguk sempre se escondia por trás do seu óculos. E nisso, um dia enquanto almoçava sozinho no terraço, um grupo de garotos o confrontou, derrubou a refeição, puxaram-na pelos cabelos e empurraram contra a beirada do terraço. Seu irmão já não morava mais consigo e sua família, havia sido despejado de casa pelo seu comportamento.
A única sorte fora a grade protetora na escola, porque se não seria uma queda imensa, mas a visão da altura de onde estava viria a ficar colado na sua mente junto com a sensação de pânico terrível. Tudo aquilo havia provocado algo desconhecido, mas um dia viria a se tornar sua colega de quarto Acrofobia. O episódio de briga diminuiu ainda mais sua vontade de socializar, principalmente depois de a transferirem da escola, foi quando Inguk encontrou um consolo em textos de outras pessoas que já passaram por isso e iniciou a construção dos próprios e postar anonimamente em um site.
O tempo passou, e chegamos ao fim do ensino médio. Inguk, fora a primeira de sua turma no vestibular e com uma leve influência de seus pais e decidiu medicina, por qual antes da faculdade passou por uma ligeira transformação, para que ninguém o reconhecesse. Após formado, trabalhou por longos anos até um dia agir irresponsavelmente e perceber que aquele lugar não era nada do que queria, e sim fazer algo novo.
Até se reencontrar na escrita, foi uma sequência de tentativas e erros, que foram bem recebidos por seus pais, ambos médicos, entendiam que a profissão não a fazia feliz, e pelo contrário. Dava muita dor de cabeça. Sem alternativas, Inguk começou a escrever em uma plataforma popular de novels algumas histórias, fugindo do tema romance onde não era sua afinidade.
Em uma dessas aventuras escritas, decidiu inscrever-se em um concurso de escrita fantasiosa do que viria a ser Secret Garden, o maior best-seller da Coreia, rendendo primeiro lugar de livros vendidos e alguns prêmios rendendo uma adaptação de dorama, na qual ele mesmo está compondo uma OST, com o sucesso Inguk se tornou mais recluso e decidiu se mudar da grande metrópole para um lugar mais afastado e encontrou em Sokcho um espacinho para viver com o irmão despejado, Yongguk.
OOC: +18. Temas de interesse: Todos.
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Fated To Hear You [Soulmate September]
Pairing: Bang Yongguk x female reader
Genre: soulmate au / romance / fluff
Warnings: suggestive moments, non-detailed phone sex, mentioning of sex but again not detailed, and light cursing. Mature relationship, Y/N is at least 30.
Word count: 3665
You barely got to answer the call before a deep and desperate voice sounded down the receiver. “Hey, so it’s Mum’s birthday tomorrow, and I thought I’d be away for it and have time to pick her up a present to bring home with me after my business trip. Now that a travel ban is in place again, it looks like I will be attending the party, and I need to think of something fast.”
You blinked, wondering who the hell was asking you about a birthday party you knew nothing about. Pulling your phone away from your ear, you realised the number wasn’t recognised in your contacts list.
The caller paused. “Yongnam?”
“I’m sorry, but you’ve called the wrong number,” you admitted and was met with the loveliest of husky laughs. He sounded embarrassed, but his deep baritone of a chuckle stunned you into not hastily ending the call.
And you hated being on the phone the best of times.
“Oh, shoot. I’m sorry about that. I don’t know how that happened when I pressed on my brother’s number instead of dialling it.”
“Weird. But uh, I might be able to help you.”
“Really? How so?”
“I run a gift shop where I live and help people in the same predicament as you are all the time,” you confessed, unsure why you were extending the phone call or why your heart was beating as fast as it was.
It had to be about his voice. It was the sexiest thing you’d ever heard in your life.
“Where do you live? Are you open still?”
You inhaled dejectedly. “No, it’s Sunday. My shop isn’t open on the weekends, but I could open it if you were nearby.”
“Where are you located? I’m happy to travel if you’re happy to help out. It’s my Mum’s forty-fifth, and for some reason this year she’s making a big deal about it. Even having a party. On a Monday evening of all days.”
You laughed and let the caller know of the town you were located in. He didn’t answer right away. “You’re not from here, are you?”
“I mean, country wise, yes. But I’m at the opposite end.”
“Darn. Still, I could do some brainstorming with you,” you offered quickly.
“Why are you helping me?”
You hesitated. You couldn’t exactly tell him his voice was something you wanted to keep listening to. “You sounded desperate when you first spoke to me. It makes sense, given my passion for making people smile after receiving the perfect gift that I could lend you some time to figure it out.”
“Well, I’m grateful for your help, Miss…?”
“Y/N,” you answered, your breath hitched in your throat when you listened to the way he inhaled.
“Y/N. Thank you.”
“And you are?” you wondered, his chuckle now shy.
“Forever in your debt if you can help me with this,” he replied before inhaling again. “Yongguk.”
“Yongguk,” you echoed, realising you had said it out loud and cringed, thankful he wasn’t before you.
Though you were admittedly wishing you could see this man with the handsome voice. You were certain his looks would match too.
Clearing your throat noisily, you snapped out of delirium. “So, tell me about your mother. What does she like to do?”
Over the next twenty minutes, Yongguk explained about his mother, and you easily managed to think of five different gifts he could purchase for her, all in different price ranges to suit what he wanted to spend.
Yongguk exhaled deeply. “Honestly, I’m so relieved I misdialled my brother’s number somehow.”
“Of course. He probably would be as clueless of what to get as I am,” he admitted with a laugh, and you closed your eyes, allowing the sound to soak into your mind, your soul.
You were a lost cause over this man for some reason.
“Well, I’m glad I could be of assistance.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re a lifesaver, Y/N.”
“It’s my pleasure. Anything to help your mother smile tomorrow night.”
“I’ll head out and buy one of these ideas now. Thank you again for your time. And I’m sorry for intruding on your Sunday afternoon.”
“It was no intrusion at all. It’s been fun.”
“It has, hasn’t it.”
Both of you fell silent then, and you wondered if Yongguk was waiting for you to end the call first.
Except you kind of didn’t want it to end.
“I’m still here.”
“Thank you.”
You giggled. “You said that already.”
“I did. I don’t know what else to say.”
“Well, the shops will close soon,” you pointed out, groaning inwardly at sounding so stupid. Saying that might come across as you wanted to end the call.
Which you so didn’t.
“Of course. And I have to get this for her today.”
“Right, well—”
“Can I let you know what she thinks of the gift?” he blurted out, and you sank into your couch, delighted by the concept of a second phone call.
“Great, then I’ll call you tomorrow. Or maybe Tuesday? Since the party will be in the evening and I don’t want to contact you too late.”
“Whenever you want to. Just ring me.”
Yongguk chuckled at your eagerness, and you tapped your palm to your forehead several times for being so obvious.
“It’s been really nice chatting to you too.”
“You need to end the call, Yongguk,” you mentioned and listened to him drag out another exhale.
“Me? But you’re capable of doing it too.”
“I know,” you started, trying to think of something to say. “But you called me first.”
“And that means I have to end it?”
“I’m not good at talking on the phone,” you confessed, and Yongguk paused.
“Has this been uncomfortable—”
“No. No! Nothing like that,” you cut in hastily, kicking your legs out in protest of your stupid mouth. “Absolutely not. I’ve… I’ve really enjoyed it.”
“That’s why you don’t want to hang up?” he surmised, and you sighed.
“Pretty much.”
“Can I be honest?” You motioned for him to continue with a positive hum. “I’m not good at this either. I’m actually pretty shy towards strangers.”
“You had me fooled, Yongguk.”
“Well, you had me captivated, Y/N,” he answered immediately, and then cleared his throat noisily. “Oh, uh, um… shoot.”
“I’ll hang up, just to help you out. How does that sound?” you suggested with a giggle, and you were certain Yongguk swore softly.
“Would you? I feel like I’ve put my foot in it now.”
“You haven’t. No more than I have. And if you want to still tell me about your mother, I’d be really happy to hear from you again.”
“Good. Because I want to hear you again too.”
“Should I say goodbye or just hang up?” you wondered awkwardly.
“Goodbye Y/N. And uh, thanks again.”
“You’re welcome. Bye.”
Hanging up the call, you stared at the phone you held in your hand in a daze. You had totally flirted with him – albeit very awkwardly – and Yongguk… well, he had flirted back.
Throwing yourself down onto your couch, you spasmed with an outburst of happiness before reaching for your phone and saving Yongguk’s number.
God. He had a beautiful voice.
As promised, Yongguk called you first thing Tuesday morning to let you know that not only had his mother loved the gift he’d gotten her, his was her favourite. You had been delighted, of course, beaming proudly across your gift store at the praise for your efforts.
And probably because his voice in the morning was even huskier than it had been the first time. Could you fall for just a voice? You were certainly stumbling down the path to find out.
As you walked around preparing for the day before you opened your store, you chatted with each other mindlessly. He asked what the weather was like where you were, and you asked if he was making coffee when you heard a machine in the background. You weren’t sure if you had the right to ask for more personal information. Especially since this would probably be your last call together.
The less you knew, the easier it would be to let go of Yongguk.
You hoped, anyway.
“So, you have ten minutes until the shop opens?” he asked after taking a sip of the beverage he had made himself.
“I have just ten more minutes?”
“Well, I doubt there will be customers walking in here right on nine,” you replied, and Yongguk chuckled. “What do you want to talk about for the next ten minutes?”
“Everything. Anything. You.”
“I don’t know. I just really like talking to you,” he admitted, and you felt giddy.
“If it’s not at all obvious, the feeling’s mutual.”
“Is it? I had no idea.”
“I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, so long as I can call you later on and get to ask you all I want to know.”
“You’ll call me?”
“Can I?” you wondered, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip nervously.
“Please do. Call me every day.”
“Every day?” you echoed with a giggle. “Why, someone might consider you infatuated with a stranger, Yongguk.”
“Your voice is… I can’t get enough of it,” he said softly, and you inhaled sharply. “Was that wrong to say?”
“Goodness, no. I uh, have quite the thing for your voice too.”
“The thing?” he teased, and you groaned loudly.
“I’ve never heard such a deep and husky voice before.”
“Well, I’ve never been entranced by a tone quite like yours either.”
“I’m ready for those questions,” you pointed out shakily, hoping that if you could talk about yourself, you would stop swooning.
Except you didn’t.
Not after you ended that phone call. Nor after ringing him back as soon as you were home that night. And it continued, both the head over heels feeling and the phone calls, every day for a month.
You were certain, without even meeting Yongguk, that you knew everything about him from how much you chatted. Hours would go by in the blink of an eye each night, and there were times where you had fallen asleep and then woken up together, still connected on the phone that neither of you had the desire to hang up in between. Your entire life was encased with this man.
A man you hadn’t seen a single thing about yet.
It was intentional, that part. For some reason early into your phone calls, you both agreed that you didn’t want to complicate things by sharing social media accounts. Yongguk worked as a music producer in one of the big cities up north, and you knew just how busy his schedule was for the next few months.
It was easier to just chat, even if you ached to know what he looked like.
“Describe yourself to me,” he asked late into one night, your eyes lazily travelling to the red digits on the clock on your bedside table. It was almost two in the morning, and you didn’t care if you needed to meet up with your mother for brunch tomorrow. You’d sleep later.
You’d give up sleep entirely just to keep talking.
“What do you mean?”
“Start from the top of your head. What does your hair look like?” he wondered in a voice barely louder than a whisper. You felt the question to be strangely intimate, and you grew wired, languidly telling him what you looked like, your hand trailing along your body as you talked.
His breathing was uneven as you did so, which only caused you to fall deeper into desire. After you were done, Yongguk repeated the process, his words hitting you like foreplay. You closed your eyes as you imagined his dark locks, the loose curls long enough to brush into his dark brown eyes, wide nose, thick lips. You saw his long neck, the way he pointed out little beauty spots and tattoos he had over his body as he inched further down, filling you with such a heated atmosphere you were certain you might explode.
“You should go to sleep,” he whispered when he finished. “It’s late, Y/N.”
“I should.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, swallowing roughly. “Though, I don’t know how I’m going to sleep with this image of you in my head just yet.”
It was dangerous. His tone, his breathlessness, the image he had built in your head. All of it had you trying to swim up current. He was washing over you, lust pooling within. You bit your lip, trying to stop a shaky exhale.
“How am I meant to sleep when all I can think of is you?”
“Do you need me to help you?” he groaned out, and that did it. You threw away all inhibitions. His heated instructions, your travelling hand, his moans, you unravelled with all of these sensations.
Over his voice.
“I can’t believe we did that,” you commented once your heart rate dropped enough to stop strumming loudly in your head. The stars you had seen cleared, and you stared up at your ceiling in wonder. “I’ve… never done something like that.”
“Neither. Do you regret it?”
“Good. I don’t want it to be the last time.”
Rolling onto your side, you drew little circles into the bedding beside you as you pulled your phone up off the pillow to your ear. “What happened to the guy I met by chance over the phone who was shy towards strangers?”
“For one, you’re definitely not a stranger to me anymore, Y/N,” he confirmed with a needy tone, and you smiled warmly. “That guy met someone over the phone who changed how shy he was towards just a voice. And there’s no way this was something left down to chance. Not in my opinion, anyway.”
“So, we’re like fated souls?” you questioned, half-humouring the concept.
“I like that idea, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” you breathed out, realising you wanted to be fated to Yongguk.
You wanted to be his.
“I want to meet you,” he admitted after a few minutes of thoughtful silence, and you sat up with a start, blinking several times over. “I need to meet you.”
“But we live so far apart.”
“As much as I want to meet you too, I thought you—”
“Let me meet you,” he pleaded, your heart rate going up several notches again.
“You name the date and time, and I’ll be there, Yongguk.”
It took five weeks to plan the right time to meet. If you both had it your way, it would have been the very next morning. But your mother had dropped the news on your shoulders that your Aunt was coming up for a couple of weeks and needed to crash at your place. And then Yongguk had to fly out for work for another week.
Finally, the day arrived where Yongguk would meet you.
You had offered to go to the city, but Yongguk decided coming down to your township felt better, and so you were waiting inside a coffee shop, fiddling with your hair as you watched the front door avidly. You had told your best friend about Yongguk after agreeing to meet in person, not that you had any concerns over him being someone dangerous. He had insisted on you letting someone know too, which only made you feel more at ease about meeting him for the first time.
Well, as much as you could be at ease. You were certain that your heart was going to go into cardiac arrest with how hard it thumped with anticipation.
You were going to meet the man you had started falling for over the phone. It was a laughable concept if you took your feelings out of the equation. All you had with Yongguk was daily conversations. He could be completely different in person. You could be unattracted to him, even with the in-depth description of the first night he had drawn your mind and soul out of your body into Nirvana. Heck, he could be unattracted to you personally too.
Yet, you knew deep in your heart that it wouldn’t be the case. You would find him more irresistible. It wasn’t just talking. It was a connection like no other you both harboured. You had never felt this way about anyone before. Not over the last thirty years of existence. No man made you feel this cherished, this desirable. No one knew every little thought you possessed like Yongguk did.
No one had entrusted you with themselves like this either.
So, when the door opened and a tall man entered, you knew it was him. Your lips instantly spread into a warm smile as he shook his curls out of his warm brown eyes, scanning the room for you.
And God, he had forgotten to tell you he had dimples. His smile was so deep that you didn’t even realise it had caused you to stand up with a start, watching as he strode purposely towards you, taking you into his arms without any hesitance.
You held on, burying into him, inhaling his spicy cologne and feeling his muscled back under your hands that had slipped up to rest there. There wasn’t anyone else in this room but the two of you, holding one another for an immeasurable time, falling deeper for one another without even a single word.
You’d spoken so much now that words weren’t needed. You knew all that he was expressing to you through this embrace, and you were sure you didn’t ever want to step out of it.
But eventually, Yongguk pulled back just enough to shoot you another gummy smile, shifting hair away from your face tenderly. “Hi.”
“Hey,” you shot back just as giddily, watching his dimples deepen.
“Shit. You exceeded all my thoughts about you,” he murmured, and you allowed your hands to fall to his arms still around you.
“Right back at you.”
“And your voice in person is even more amazing. I need to sit down before I get too dizzy,” he admitted, and you grinned, unashamed by anything he was saying. He sat, and you took the seat you had been in before, but your hands remained linked, eyes firmly attached to one another.
“This is… so surreal,” you told him, and Yongguk nodded. “I feel like I’ve known you forever.”
“Me too.”
“This is our first real meeting, but it’s not either,” you continued, sighing when his thumb ran over the top of the hand he held.
“It’s confirmed a lot for me,” he stated. “The feelings I have from our conversations just got amplified.”
“Should we order something?”
“Can I order you?” you breathed out, and Yongguk’s deep laughter ruptured out of him. You watched him dreamily as you grinned. “What? I’m wondering if you’re on the menu.”
“Only if you are too.”
“Maybe later?”
His eyes grew heated. “Definitely later.”
And what you both wanted physically did come later, more than once, and it felt even more perfect than it had over the phone. The whole day had, and as his weeklong stay drew to a close, you found yourself nestled over his heart, trailing your fingers over his tattooed chest.
“Have I told you that I’ve never been with someone who has tattoos?” you murmured into his bare skin, shuddering in delight with how Yongguk’s hand travelled up and down your spine mindlessly.
“Am I too much of a bad boy for you, Y/N?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “You don’t fit the bad boy persona. Definitely not when you smile, that’s for sure. I didn’t realise how much I would like to trail my fingers over them all.”
“I didn’t know how much I would like it either,” he confirmed, pressing a kiss into the crown of your head. “Or you. How much I like you is… indescribable.”
“More people should meet over the phone. Maybe we should start a company for singles where they have to talk over the phone instead of meet face to face first.”
“Whilst it’s worked for us, I’m sure there’s a lot of flaws and safety issues in such a situation.”
“That’s true,” you agreed softly, glancing up at him. You couldn’t resist kissing along his neck and jawline before talking again. “We’re working, though.”
“We’re going to keep working even when I go back tomorrow.”
“I don’t know how we’ll work apart now,” you cautiously told him. “I’m far too greedy for all of this.”
“I’ll be back in the weekend. Every weekend, I’ll come to you,” Yongguk promised, and your lips spread out happily.
“I’ll come to you too. Until we both can decide on where we want to live in the future together.”
“I don’t care where it is. Anywhere will be perfect as long as you’re there.”
You hummed in delight, kissing Yongguk several times before resting back against his chest. “Hey, I know it doesn’t really matter, but do you remember when you first rang me? You said that you pressed call on your brother’s name. How would that connect to my number if you had his saved there? You didn’t recently save it, did you?”
“No. My twin’s number has always been the same. I checked several times over, and I even rang Yongnam afterwards the same way and it connected to him. How it happened is still a mystery after all this time.”
“That’s crazy. I wonder how it happened?”
“Fate is the only answer,” Yongguk told you, and you looked up at him, his lips curling up into a devastating smile as he brushed his hand over your face tenderly. “We were meant for one another from the first time I heard you speak.”
You decided then that you were fated. There was no other answer. And you were already well on your way towards loving this man.
His sexy voice and all the rest of him too.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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#kwritersworldnet#kdiarynet#yongguk fiction#yongguk fanfic#yongguk scenarios#yongguk romance#yongguk fluff#yongguk au#b.a.p fiction#b.a.p fanfic#b.a.p scenarios#b.a.p romance#b.a.p fluff#b.a.p au#pwyl; soulmate september#kpop fiction#kpop fanfic#kpop fluff#kpop romance
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Did you ever notice how the kindest humans make the best and most agressive music
#agust d#twenty one pilots#rm#bang yongguk#billie eilish#agust d 2#kim namjoon#tyler joseph#joshua dun#trench#bands#bad guy#yamazaki#bap#i think it is a mental health thing seriously speaking#they know pain and they transform it#my chemical romance#just some examples#idek#music
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➵♣️Pairing: Bang Yongguk x OC ➵♣️Warnings: Mature, Adult Content, Explicit Language, Drugs, Gang Relations, etc ➵♣️Genre: Romance, Fanfiction, Smut, Interracial, Urban, Angsty AF, Non-Kpop Related ➵♣️Synopsis: He was the type mama warned you about. A savage in his own right. The type you shouldn't associate with. Yet how could you stay away from someone who made you feel so right?
It was too much.
She deserved more.
She deserved better.
She knew that.
And so did he.
Yet she still craved for him.
Her body and soul was in need of feeling his touch again.
But he was a dangerous man. The life he lived wasn’t something she wanted. It reminded her too much of the streets in her home city of New Orleans. The very life she worked so hard to get away from, only to end up dealing with the same shit in a different country. People warned her about him and at first, she listened. She knew his type and yet she fell for him.
Then there were the trust issues. Just the thought of him being surrounded by pretty women all the time had her heated. “I don’t want them jagiya, I want you.” Those words he repeated to her over and over but she was just too insecure to believe him. How could she? In his society, he was a better fit for girls of his ethnic group than hers. Although she knew better than to believe it, she couldn't help but let it get to her head.
He was a beautiful man.
The type many girls wanted the attention from.
It was the thing that drove them untimely apart.
12:36 A.M.
The club was packed as expected on this warm Friday night. Samora walked casually towards the bar as her Giuseppe heels clicked against the dark wooden floors beneath her. Tonight she decided to pull out her special little black dress since she was on a mission.
A mission to turn the tables for once.
To show him how hurtful it was seeing the person he claimed to love all hugged on someone who wasn’t him. Hands caressing a stranger just for the thrills. Lips experiencing the taste of another man.
Even before she left out of her apartment tonight she knew he had someone watching her, sending back word to where she was headed to. Bang Yongguk always kept tabs on what was his, and Samora Lewis belonged to him. It’s been that way since the two first got together. If you knew him then you KNEW just how much he cared for his gongjunim.
Of course, he had to keep a close eye on her for her protection as he would put it.
She knew before she even arrived he knew she'd be there, eyes watching her like a hawk from his exclusive section in VIP that looked over the club on the top floor.
A section where he would be surrounded by women.
Samora bit her bottom lip, forcing herself to not get so worked up. She hasn't talked to him in over two weeks after having a heated argument. He called and texted, even popped up at her apartment but she refused to talk to him. Now here she was at the very club where she knew he'd be, trying to make him jealous.
Once at the bar, she ordered a shot to get her night started off right. More than anything she needed to take the edge off and relax. She knew it was risky considering she wasn't much of a drinker anyways but she didn't care. Tonight she was thinking with her heart and not her head.
A few shots into the night, she felt the liquor take over and the music began to move her body.
Samora wasn’t even on the dancefloor long when she felt a strong arm wrap around her small waist. Taking it upon herself, she turned around to come face to face with a handsome man she has never met before. The music ironically slowed down, making him pull her closer to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed to the beat, her head rested into the crook of his neck taking a whiff of his manly but sweet scent.
The entire time she could feel eyes boring a hole into the side of her head. Yongguk had been keeping a close watch on Samora the whole night. The black dress she wore was way too short for his liking, and the way men eyed her as she walked passed them didn't quite sit right with him either.
Everyone who rumbled in the streets of South Korea knew she was off limits. He made sure of that.
Since she basically acted like he didn't exist, he decided to give her space but he wasn't expecting to see the love of his life walk inside this club looking like a full course meal.
He had to hold back a chuckle seeing her down drink after drink, she would regret it in the morning. When she headed to the dancefloor, his dark eyes raked over her slowly. He knew by now she had to be either completely drunk or halfway there. Looking to his side, he nodded his head towards one of his most trusted friends, Zelo.
Without saying a word, Zelo already knew what to do. Just as he went to stand up, a man decided to take it upon himself and not only approach her but to touch someone he knew not too. Yongguk sat up, slightly pushing off the arms of the women that laid around him. Zelo gave him a look before quickly making his way downstairs and pushed through the crowded dancefloor.
Barely in the stranger's arms for two minutes Samora was snatched away and pulled out of the club by Zelo. She wanted to protest but knew there would be no point in it. “Go home Noona, before you get someone killed,” Zelo said seriously, crossing his arms across his chest. He knew all too well how ugly things could turn.
Samora rolled her eyes and threw her hands up angrily. “What the fu-? Did he tell you to do this?… You know what don’t even answer that, I already know he did.”
“Just leave, for your sake and mine. You know how bad this would’ve turned out if you went back inside there. What the hell were you even thinking in the first place?” He barked at her, baffled by her doing something so out of character. As long as he's known her, Samora was never the type to act recklessly.
She could feel the tears welled up in the corner of her eyes from being so frustrated. “He doesn’t have any room telling me what I can and can’t do Zelo, he doesn’t have that right! How can he expect me to just sit back while he does all this shit and thinks I'll accept it? It’s wrong and you know it! You know I deserve better than that.” She wiped at the fallen tears angrily, upset that she was even crying over him.
Zelo gave her a sad look, knowing she was right. “I understand No—”
“Do you? I mean do you truly understand how hurt I am? Seeing him with all these girls like he doesn’t have me waiting at home for him every night. You know as well as I do, these bitches don’t hold him down like I do or must I remind you or him who the hell I am?”
He shook his head slowly. “Trust me I know but doing all of this just to make him jealous isn’t the right way alright? Go home, and get some rest. I’ll try to talk some sense into him.” Realistically they both knew that wouldn't be the case. Yongguk had a mind of his own. It would be like talking to a brick wall.
She smiled weakly at his attempt to solve their issues as always. “Don’t bother. You tell him I don’t ever want to see him again. It’s over.” She mumbled turning away and walking towards the parking lot, not sparing Zelo another glance.
Her plan to make him jealous had worked but what she hoped would bring her some type of joy only left her feeling just as alone as when she came here.
#kpop#kpop fanfiction#kpopfanfic#kpop angst#kpop smut#bangyongguk#bang yongguk#bangyonggukfanfic#gangsta#ambwfanfic#ambw#ambw kpop#maturethemes#lonely#romance#gangstaau#bap#bapfanfic#interracialfanfic#Interracial#interracialstories#yamazakiyongguk#gangrelations#pocminiseries
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Walmart Problems/ Yongguk
Come on!
My face morphed into fear as the time ticked away. I knew that what we were doing here was dangerous enough as it is, but the fact that we were doing it with my child in the back seat was even more ridiculous. My heart thumped in anticipation as seconds and minutes flew by.
My husband, on the other hand, didn't seem to have the same anxiety as me. He patiently filled the car up with groceries, not allowing me to step out of the car to help speed the process. I hated how calm he was in this situation, as I was quite opposite.
"Alright, Guk. Baby, honey, darling. Get in the van!" I bitterly snapped at him, turning in the passenger seat to see him adding one last bag into the trunk. My eyes flickered to my baby girl who was too tired to even react, her eyes dropping as she fought sleep.
He closes the trunk door, and takes his time to go put the cart away. As he did so, he never once looked ahead where the trouble truly was. Because of his clueless and peaceful nature, I couldn't help but freak the moment I saw him take his time getting back into the vehicle.
It was too late by the time he sat next to me in the drivers seat. Ahead of us, in the dark parking lot, stood a large frame in the distance. If it wasn't for years of studying fantasy creatures due to my husband being one, I wouldn't have known there was a monster out this late.
And at Walmart.
I cursed under my breath as the form shifted slowly, the tinted parking lot lights revealing a small amount of the brown tree bark that moved from its spot. My eyes squinted at it as the once normal tree now stood to its full height, towering over the Walmart building. If it wasn't for the fact that I became aware of such creatures, I could be like a normal human and not be able to see him.
But I didn't have such ignorance and bliss anymore. I hit Yongguk's shoulder and pointed to the beast that stretched out its root legs. It was too dark for just anyone to see, but I knew it's flopping leaf head had just straightened up at that moment.
"You see that! Thats what I was afraid of!" I hurried to unbuckle myself and him as the creature began to move, trying to scout out entertainment for the night.
Yongguk turned to me. "What is that?" He questions, watching me hurriedly move.
I put up the arms on our seats to make room before looking up at him again. "A tree monster, you can say. And no, it isn't like Groot. This guy is real and a huge jerk." I fumble with a few things while glancing out the front window to watch where the beast was heading, before jabbing a thumb in the backseat. "Go."
"You want me to sit in the back?"
I shook my head. "No, I want you to unbuckle her car seat and lay down the center of the van." He didn't move for a second, hesitant on the seriousness of my words. "I mean it, Guk. This guy won't know the difference if we are in the car or not if he can't see us. So get in the back."
He sighed and started to climb in the back. "You know that if he truly saw who I was he wouldn't act this way."
I rolled my eyes, following quickly behind him as I helped unbuckle the seat. "No darling, he still would. He's a terrible creature, I tell ya. He wouldn't bow down to anyone, not even you."
Guk carefully places the carseat in the very back of the can on the floor. He spreads out his legs in between the chairs and begins to focus on his daughter who had just awoken. Because he was too tall for the small walkway the vehicle provided, he curved his legs around the seat and laid on his side.
I took a quick glance at the tree monster before laying behind the passenger and drivers seat. Holding my breath, I wished for the best.
Guk started to play with his daughter while sneaking glances down at me. "Why are we not leaving instead?"
I let out the shaking breath that I held. "Because he'll see us. And yes you maybe stronger than that thing, but it's smart and cunning in battle. I don't feel like starting up trouble with the baby now."
Yongguk smiles at me before turning back to his baby. "Alright understandable." There was silence for a moment as he worked on getting her to sleep. "How long do we stay here for?"
I furrowed my eyebrows and bit my lip. "To be honest I'm not sure. I just know before we even think of moving this car we have to wait until he was passed us."
Guk waited it out with me patiently, allowing me to feel comfort that he was willing to sit in this ridiculous position so that I wouldn't freak anymore. A few minutes passed by when all the sudden the thumps of huge feet had become louder. The van jostled a bit as the creature came closer to us.
Why did we have to park in the center?!
I groaned internally as I awaited the worse, staring straight at my husband and child with the greatest fear of something happening to them. But I had to put faith in the fact that he was the king of all magic, and if anyone was going to save us, it would be him.
The footsteps stopped. My heart was beating erratically as I peeked over my shoulder to see the monster right in front of our van, staring down at the car in front of us. But because there was no one in it, he moved away slowly and past our vehicle to the next lot.
Bastard wants to play again.
My thoughts were bitter as I recalled the last time I had come to Walmart this late. I had just met Guk and was starting to see these creatures more often. I didn't even know the tree monster existed until he came out the one night I needed stomach medicine. He had noticed I could see him and chased me around all night. I only managed to escape because of my wizard friend had cloaked us.
I slowly sat up, looking in the rear view mirrors to see how far the monster was from us. Lucky for us, he was at a far enough distance for me to make an escape. Immediately I climbed into the drivers seat and started up the van. "Hold on tight baby," I yell back to Guk before swinging back the van.
Another vehicle in the distance had also started to pull out. But they were aware that the creature was here, and because of this they were safe. So I sped across the lot to that same car and drove behind them, right out of Walmart area and into the streets. When I knew we were of a distance, I glanced back at the parking lot to see the monster unaware of our presence as he scoped the place out.
I let out a sigh of relief. "That was so close," I whispered to myself, calming my heart knowing that we were safe now and heading home.
Guk began to fumble in the backseat, putting our daughter back onto the seat before and buckling it into place. He struggled for a few seconds but with my guidance, he managed. After safely placing back the baby he climbed into the front seat and buckled himself up.
"So I guess we won't go to Walmart that late anymore."
I glared at him harshly as the words left his mouth. "You think?"
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Respira, todo estará bien. Esas palabras se repiten como un mantra en su cabeza, como si mágicamente fueran a resolver la terrible situación en la que se encuentra. Ella, una jovencita aislada del mundo y su sociedad, con una muy limitada experiencia social y tímida por naturaleza, observa desde un oscuro rincón a esa persona en medio de su salón. Un extraño, un intruso, un peligro. Su querida madre le advirtió sobre la gente, su crueldad y trucos sucios; y Narae, tan sobreprotegida, tan desconocedora de la verdad, se aferra al primer objeto contundente a su alcance, una vieja sartén que logró sujetar antes de esconderse dentro del armario. ╱ ( @llemvnade )
#❝ ┊ INTERACCIÓN 。( kim narae )#❥ ┊ ROMANCE 。( narae & yongguk )#llemvnade#cambios random a la historia para no hacerle un copy&paste jeje#AQUÍ OTRO STARTER MY LOVEEEEEE#porque tenía ganas de escribir u-u ♥#( starter. )#( au. )
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just another boy
title: just another boy author: roebling fandom: b.a.p pairing(s): himchan/yongguk rating: nc-17 length: oneshot (5,400>) summary: yongguk’s not stupid. he knows that he’s a boy but he knows people don’t see him that way. he knows because his mother tells him that some people expect boys to look a certain way and have a certain kind of body even though not all boys do. semi-canon.
#b.a.p#himchan#yongguk#banghim#fanfiction#fandom: b.a.p#mp: himchan and yongguk#b.a.p: romance#b.a.p: drama#b.a.p: smut#b.a.p: semi canon#b.a.p: nc 17#b.a.p: oneshot#b.a.p: 5000>#roebling
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Cinnamon Special
by Embers
characters/pairing: himchan/daehyun, yongguk genre: coffee shop!au, fluff, friendship, romance word count: 5425 rating: t warnings: - summary: The only reason Himchan hasn't found a new cafe after Daehyun nearly spills his Americano all over his laptop is because Yongguk is the owner. Really.
review: SOFT. SO SOFT. Gosh this made my heart sigh in contentment :’) All the fun that comes along with an adorably soft barista!Daehyun, confident (and cold) city man!Himchan, and an observant Yongguk, with great little bits of humour sprinkled in here and there!
- Admin S
read here (remember to leave likes/kudos and comments!)
#b.a.p#himchan#daehyun#himdae#b.a.p fic rec#bap#yongguk#f:himchan#f:daehyun#f:yongguk#f:himdae#rating: t#length: one shot#length: 4k to 10k#coffee shop!au#fluff#friendship#romance#IT'S BEEN MONTHS I KNOW THIS HAS BEEN A TOUGH SEMESTER IM SORRY KDSKJDS#i will get to reading the submissions this holiday!!!#au
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WayV | NCT | NCT 127 | NCT Dream | Stray Kids | GOT7 | BTS | ATEEZ | Seventeen | TXT | B.A.P | The Boyz | The Rose | Kard | Pentagon | Astro | Monsta X | Day6 | EXO | SHINee | SuperM | Enhypen | 2PM | Victon | Winner | Billlie | Kingdom | iKon | StayC | SF9 | ZeroBase1 |
Xiaojun | Hendery | Jaemin | Johnny | Haechan | Jaehyun | Sungchan | Taeyong | Mark | Felix | BangChan | Han | Lee Know | Hyunjin | Jay B | Yugyeom | Mark Tuan | Jinyoung | Jackson Wang | Bambam | Suga | V | Jimin | RM | Jungkook | J-Hope | Seonghwa | Mingi | Hongjoong | Wooyoung | San | Yunho | Yeosang | Mingyu | Yeonjun | Taehyun | Beomgyu | Yongguk | Hyunjae | Sunwoo | Q | Younghoon | New | Dojoon | BM | Yanan | Yeo One | Kino | Wooseok | Kihyun | Minhyuk | Hyungwon | I.M | Young K | Jessi | Lay | Taemin | Shownu | Jeonghan | Jeno | Baekhyun | Kai | Minho | Jungwon | Sangyeon | Seungmin | Eric | Sehun | Sunghoon | Heeseung | Joohoney | Juyeon | Jungwoo | Jun K | Wonwoo | Chanyeol | Joshua | Jin | Seungwoo | Soobin | Jun | Suho | Ten | Jongho | Woozi | Hongseok | Hanse | Seungsik | Yuta | Yangyang | Shotaro | Junho | Mino | Hoshi | Jisung | Vernon | DK | Eunwoo | Dino | The8 | Scoups | Jay | Moon Sua | Tsuki | I.N | Wonho | Dann | Huening Kai | Jake | Kevin | B.I | Isa | Woosung | Kun | Chen | Seungkwan | Hwiyoung | Wonpil | Rowoon | Inseong | Changbin | DPR Ian | Matthew | Doyoung | Haknyeon |
x Reader | x Member | x OC | No Pairing
Smut | Fluff | Romance | Angst | Drama | Fantasy | Action | Crack
Oneshot | Series | Drabble | Social Media
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ay yo guess whos back at it again with another recklessly posted fic
(it’s me)
Fandom: B.A.P
Rating: G
Genre: University AU, Fluff, Light Angst, maybe Romance
Summary: Jongup continues to run his fingers through the tough, drying grass, seeking out the small buds of dying pansies to weave into a project that keeps his hands busy and his mind empty. He leans his head back lethargically, tired hands pinching stems slowly, and carefully ducking soft blossoms under and out the other side of arcs. The wind still pushes at his form, trying to snatch the petals of the flowers away.
Read it HERE on AO3 or HERE on AFF
yeah so this started off as prose poetry a long time ago and just sorta took off lol
#my writing#mjupnet#baplibrary#bap#fanfiction#jongup#zelo#junhong#youngjae#daehyun#yongguk#himchan#universityau#fluff#fanfic#younglo#daeup#blind character#disabled character#romance#angst
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
Khonshu, the God of the Moon and Time, whose origins stem from Ancient Egypt. He is now a City Council Member and the owner of Sakura Lounge.
FC NAME/GROUP: Bang Yongguk GOD NAME: Khonshu PANTHEON: Egyptian OCCUPATION: owner of Sakura Lounge and also on council to represent Egyptian parthanons HEIGHT: 6ft DEFINING FEATURES: Gummy smile and plush lips; however a gaze that can instil fear. He has tattoos all over his body as well.
PERSONALITY: Often depicted as a youth in writings,this is due to Khonshu having child-like tendencies. He often enjoys small plushies and branded "cute" things. Occasionally he will enjoy games, indoor and outdoor. It's also said he is also harsh and can cause plagues - his attitude can be sour if met on an off day or if he meets someone he dislikes.
He does have a romantic side as well, and is a sucker for love. Watching romance movies as well as dramas has recently become a hobby of his. Khonshu loves giving gifts as well - it's part of his love language. He's also fond of traveling, as he is the one who watches over those who travel at night.
HISTORY: Being the Egyptian god of the moon who watches over night time travellers, he never travelled much himself. He puts himself into his work a lot, so he never really thought of it for himself. Slowly he began travelling across the sands with the humans at night to see why they were travelling. Watching over them throughout the night he protected them from the animals that hunted humans and the livestock.
As the centuries progressed, the god had covered all of the sand of Egypt. Discovering his own love of traveling he began exploring the other edges of the world. He thought he should try the opposite of heat and visited the north Pole. The God soon left as he realised there was nothing much aside from being cold. The South Pole also seemed to have the same discovery. Despite the cold he still enjoyed finding what could be out there.
As the God travelled, word had spread of his work while traveling. There were claims that he had healed a princess as soon as she laid eyes on a picture of him - not even the actual god himself. A king began calling himself "Beloved of Khonsu Who Protects His Majesty and Drives Away Evil Spirits" as Khonshu healed the man as well. He worked hard helping as many as he could. Either through health or even fertility. It's said when Khonshu creates a phase of the moon, women and livestock are most fertile.
Eventually the God had found himself in Korea, enjoying culture as much as he could. He decided to stay in Korea and eventually stumble upon Mount Phoenix. It was an accident but the best one he had ever done.
POWERS: able to influence fertility, healing, is said to be able to possess the absolute power over evil spirits that infest the four elements, making them hostile to men in the forms of pain, sickness, madness and even death. On the other hand it's said he also made plants to grow, fruit to ripen. Even animals to conceive. To mortals he is also the god of love. STRENGTHS: helpful, kind, gentle touch, WEAKNESSES: very angry at times, can create pain for fun when bored, ignorant at times as well.
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Big Kpop question tag
I was tagged by @myeoning-call thank you!! ♥
•Song That Got You Into K-Pop: Bae Bae by BigBang. I first clicked on Loser, I wasn’t feeling it completely but liked it enough to give them another chance so I clicked on Bae Bae, that one was on repeat for weeks.
(Idk... I think I might seem like an older kpop fan but I got into kpop in 2015. I’m one of those people who when getting into sth they really dig further until the origin of a thing, especially when it comes to music. So I know a lot about 1st and 2nd gen too, and I am mainly a fan of 2nd and 3rd gen bc I’m more around the same age as late 2nd gen - 3rd gen kpop idols, we grew up around the same time so I relate to them the most. For reference I am 2 years younger than Gikwang (late 2nd gen) and Yongguk (early 3rd gen), same age as Ken (early 3rd gen) and Sunmi (late 2nd gen). I heard about Kpop before 2015 ofc but i was in an industrial/obscure electronic music fase before kpop)
• Song That Gets Stuck In Your Head: The Chaser by Infinite is an earworm
• Fav. Male Group: When it comes to male groups, I make the distinction between ults and mains (ults are the most important, but “main” means I listen to them all the time as well, I just don’t feel as connected to them as people).
Ult: B.A.P, Highlight/Beast, iKON, VIXX
Main: BigBang (they were my first group which is special but I feel less connected to them than with my ults), SHINee, TVXQ/JYJ, H.O.T, SuperM, NCT (WayV mainly), 2PM, Super Junior, Block B
• Fav. Female Group: Wonder Girls, 2NE1, f(x), Orange Caramel, Brown Eyed Girls, 9Muses, Ladies’ Code, T-Ara, Kara, 3ye
• Fav. Underrated Male Group: “B.A.P we didn’t deserve them” <- agreed!
• Fav. Underrated Female Group: Spica
• Fav. Male Soloist: Lee Gikwang, Taemin, Bang Yongguk, G-Dragon, Jonghyun, Woodz, Ash Island (last one is actually khh, and Yongguk used to be kpop but I guess he’s more khh now)
• Fav. Female Soloist: Lee Junghyun (her debut album “Let’s go to my Star” is my favourite kpop album actually!), Sunmi, BoA.
• Fav. Male Choreography: Drip Drop by Taemin is a classic for me + So many other Taemin performances.
• Fav. Female Choreography: Paradise Lost by GaIn, another one would be 24 hours by Sunmi.
(-> I generally like solo or pas de deux (duo) more than entire group choreographies, it grabs the heart more imo. Tbh as I’m writing this I have ballet performances in mind when it comes to touching you emotionally through dance. Kpop dance has some impressive tricks but it isn’t particularly emotional, which is what’s most important to me)
• Fav. Subunit: Orange Caramel!! (and WayV if that counts)
• Fav. Senior Male Group: H.O.T if we’re talking about disbanded senior groups, TVXQ/JYJ, Super Junior and Sechskies if we’re talking about still active senior groups.
• Fav. Senior Female Group: Brown Eyed Girls
• Fav. Disbanded Male Group: B.A.P ♥
• Fav. Disbanded Female Group: Wonder Girls and 2NE1 ;;;;
• Fav. Band: N.Flying
• Fav. Male Rookie: Idk.. Oneus maybe? I listen to them casually. (I consider them rookie)
• Fav. Female Rookie: 3ye (They debuted in 2019, to me that’s still rookie)
• Fav. Male Dancer: Highlight/Beast Gikwang, SHINee Taemin, B.A.P Jongup
• Fav. Female Dancer: BoA
• Fav. Male Rapper: B.A.P Bang Yongguk
• Fav. Female Rapper: Brown Eyed Girls Miryo
• Fav. Male Vocalist: iKON Junhoe (he has a very unique and ‘harsh/rock’ voice for kpop, my fav voice in kpop), VIXX Jaehwan (Ken), Highlight Yoseob and Gikwang (Gikwang has a good voice but it’s not the most powerful one, but I just really love hearing him so.. :)) ♥♥)
• Fav. Female Vocalist: 2NE1 Bom
• Fav. Male Debut: Warrior by B.A.P, 7th Sense by NCT U
• Fav. Female Debut: 와 (Wa) by Lee Junghyun
• Fav. Music Video: The Closer by Vixx !!
Honorable mentions: Yamazaki by Bang Yongguk, We are the future by H.O.T , Mirotic + Rising sun + O -正.反.合. (정반합) by TVXQ, Lies + Haru Haru + Last farewell by BigBang (those MVs bring me back to when I was a teenager, the low rise jeans, the pink Motorola flip phone.. one of my friends had the exact same one at the time), One Shot + Skydive by B.A.P., Mystery by Beast (both the official mv and their self-made mv) + Adrenaline by Beast/Highlight (a very basic mv but I instantly become happy when I watch it)
• Fav. Underrated Song: The Closer by Vixx, again! Also Outside Castle by H.O.T, Copy and Paste by BoA, Dear. Rude by JeA ft. Cheetah, She’s gone by G-Dragon, and Hikikomori by Bang Yongguk(♥)
• Fav. Male B-Side: Obsession + Divina Commedia by G-Dragon, Blind + 주소서 (Pray) by B.A.P, Love me do + Silence + Trigger by VIXX, Sexuality by Taemin...
• Fav. Female B-Side: Ca teint moi + GX 339-4 by Lee Junghyun (!! the entire Let’s go to my Star album is a no skip for me), Wonder Girls: almost all of the Reboot Album...
• Fav. Comfort Song: (Most comfort songs are either by B.A.P or by Beast/Highlight because they’re the ults of the ults lol)
B.A.P: Save me, Diamond 4 ya, almost the entire Noir album (+ Ya by Bang Yongguk)
Highlight/Beast: Lightless (unplugged version), Sad movie, Curious, Danger, Sleep Tight
Some H.O.T and TVXQ songs
Top 5 BG + Fav. Song/s:
B.A.P: Young, Wild and Free (my very first Bap cb and their very first cb after the hiatus and law suit), the entire One shot EP, Power, Feel so Good, That’s my jam, Warrior, Unbreakable, Badman, Excuse me, 1004, Bang X2, Hands up + the ones I’ve mentioned above (+ many of Bang Yongguk’s solo stuff)
Highlight/Beast: Plz don’t be Sad (<- always makes me happy), Breath, Bad Girl, Mystery, Shock, Special, Fiction, Shadow, Good Luck, Celebrate, Love like this, Not the End, Disconnected + the ones I’ve mentioned above (+ many of Lee Gikwang’s solo stuff)
iKON: Killing me, Rubber Band, Bling Bling, Ah Yeah, Dive, Why Why Why, Dumb & Dumber, B-day, Rhythm Ta, I’m Okay
VIXX: The Closer, On and on, Voodoo, Secret Night, Black Out, Hyde, Light up the Darkness, Love me Do (actually produced by Yongguk and it does sound like it could’ve been a B.A.P song♥), Rock ur body, and almost the entire Eau de Vixx album
BigBang: Blue, Bae Bae, Tell me Goodbye, Lies, Last Farewell, Haru Haru, Café, Fantastic Baby, Bad Boy, Let’s not fall in love, Beautiful hangover, La la la, Last Dance (+ many solo songs by G-Dragon, T.O.P and Taeyang)
Top 5 GG + Fav. Song/s:
Wonder Girls: basically the entirety of the Reboot album, So Hot, Tell me, Why so lonely, Like this, Like money (the version without Akon), and last but certainly not least So Hot + I Feel You (band version♥)
2NE1: Crush, Come back home, Hate You, Can’t Nobody, I love you, I am the Best, Don’t stop the music, Fire, Goodbye (;;;)
f(x): Pinocchio (Danger), Mr. Boogie, Nu Abo, Hot Summer, 4 Walls, Chu, La Cha ta, Electric Shock, Lollipop (ft. SHINee)
Orange Caramel: Abing Abing, Catallena, My Copycat, Lipstick, Gangnam Avenue, Shanghai Romance, A-ing
Brown Eyed Girls: Kill Bill, Sign, Cleansing Cream, Sixth Sense, Abracadabra, How Come
Groups Planning to Stan:
A.C.E: (I listened to them casually for a couple of years but I want to get to know them better and I’ve been binging a lot of ace videos these past 4-5 months.)
After School: (I LOVE Orange Caramel, but for some reason I never listened to the main group’s songs)
Infinite: (been wanting to for years, I know a good amount of songs and been listening to them for years but yeah)
(These 3 groups feel like they have the potential to become fav groups of mine.)
I tag: @alldayxia @fashionbitchgd @epiphanicwiring @larktrash @novararavis @224-12 @skyisfull
#slowly but steadily i will be doing more tags that i've been tagged in. this is the longest one i think#ive been very focused on developing certain skills these past months#that pic with gikwang’s shoes spread across his living room is my head rn#so ive been more lazy with tags#this became extensive lol but i probably still forgot stuff#and i even cut some stuff bc i found it too long hjfdfdljl#i had fun doing this#i apologize for the length of it
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5 works of 2020
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want so we can spread the love and link each other awesome works.
tagged by: @kpophours - Anna, ILY <3
So I actually have my own Year In Review post going out on the 31st with this list attached but let’s give this a go all the same. I’ve chosen to go with series for this as I think it will be very hard to mix both scenarios and series and only choose five.
10 Dates - Suho romance series
I keep coming back to this series in my mind. It was one I came up with so randomly and thought how Junmyeon would be perfect for the role but I hadn’t written for him much. I’m so glad I trusted my instinct and just did it anyway because this world has been one that I’ve really enjoyed creating this year. The love story between them is one I adore and I did self-indulge and add the Italy aspects for my own enjoyment. I feel out of all my series this year, 10 Dates is the one that doesn’t follow my usual style and the resolution of their obstacle was much smoother, lending to more time for their love story, which I’m all about. I fell in love with Junmyeon more from writing this story too >_>
To Be Continued - Young K writer au / fantasy series
Let’s be real... TBC is the biggest indulgence I’ve ever created on this blog. The concept that a story Y/N has written has a character come to life from it? I’m not alone in wishing my characters could truly become real, am I? This story at first almost got put in the trash bin, I was so anxious and frustrated with it. I thought I needed to sit there and plan out everything. I was writing a story inside a story. Didn’t those characters need fleshing out and what was their whole story about and -- honestly I got so worried about nothing. Because whilst I did need story details, I didn’t need to go that in-depth. And once I realised this - and added in Sungjin - there was no stopping me. To Be Continued is like a home for a writer like me. I had so much fun pushing the boundaries of reality and fiction with this one.
Forsaken - Jinyoung warrior au series
This was the hardest project this year. Probably my most ambitious one also. I knew when I wrote the prologue, this story was going to be bigger than what I could handle. It’s why I left it sitting for some time. Facing Forsaken was the best journey I’ve taken all year. There were a lot of elements with bringing in the past flashbacks to fit in with the current time, and just the dark nature of the story at times. It wasn’t something I’ve ever written before and whilst it was a challenge for me, I’m so better off for taking it up. There are things I wish I could have done better, as a storyline like that deserved more, but I believe in the concept that I did the best I could as the writer I am now with it. Whilst it focused around a love story, the thing I took away from it was actually the family unit that was formed from this wicked world. For a warrior story, that element was so wholesome to me.
Reconciliation - Jaebum CEO/exes to lovers au series
Unlike Forsaken, this was the easiest project of 2020 because I wrote the entire thing in one day haha. It was only meant to be one part but when I was done, I wanted to know what would happen next. And so I thought, I’ll just add on some more... well, that ended up in a fully fledged world being created and I just kept rolling with it. The highs and lows of that story I experienced all in one session... I cried a lot writing this darn story haha. Despite how effortless it was to create, I don’t think that lessens its impact any. That’s why I love it so much!
Down By The Lake - Daehyun / Yongguk murder mystery series
This is on my favourites list because I really had so much fun writing this, even if it wasn’t widely appreciated. Actually, I had so much fun that like with Reconciliation, it was written rather quickly and the entire time, I was chatting with @noona-clock who hyped me up even further as we giggled and swooned over the concept of Inspector Bang. I’ve never written a murder mystery before, and was hesitant to do so but it’s seriously such a fun world. Yongguk was really the star of the story and I cannot wait to write the sequel series for him in 2021. There’s no doubt my heart lies in regency / periodic au a lot so it makes sense this would make the list to me.
Tagging: @noona-clock @jackiejacks923 @min-youngis @jinseunie @jjinyounf @sxfterhearts @lveletters @soybeantree @fairyinaflowercrown @fantastic-bby and anyone else who wants to do this!
Please create your own post! <3
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Morning Sickness
Yongguk x Reader
Short drabbles, romance, marriedlife, pregnancy
Summary: You're pregnant with Yongguk's child but he's the one who's experiencing morning sickness.
It was Sunday. You were watching a soap opera while folding your and your husband's clothes when he suddenly appeared from the bedroom with his messy bed hair.
"Sleep in. Why did you get up so early?" You raised your left arm when he joined you on the couch. He rubbed his face on your side down to your stomach before burying his face on your thighs. He groaned but his slender fingers were caressing your knee softly.
"What's wrong, oppa?"
"I'm feeling nauseous." He turned around to face you, making your laps his pillow.
"So you come here to puke on me?" You teased, looking down at him who was looking up at you. "I'm the one who's supposed to do all the puking, Yongguk. I'm pregnant, not you."
He held your hand to his face, kissing your palm. "I'm serious. I tried to let it out but nothing came out." He shifted his attention to your clothed flat stomach, poking it lightly in wonder with his forefinger. "Baby, are you doing this to me on purpose?"
"What do you—"
"Not you. I'm talking to my baby." He smirked.
"Oh, I thought I am your baby?" You played along, running your fingers through his messy hair.
"I am sorry, baby. I have to divide my love and attention to two babies. You and our little one." He rubbed your belly under your shirt.
"I'm sorry too. I can't love you anymore. I'm in love with someone else."
"What?" He quirked his brow. No longer playful. He suddenly sat up and looked at you in disbelief. "How could you say that?" He shuffled to get off the couch, obviously sulking, so you gripped on his arm to make him sit back on the couch. The folded clothes toppled down because of his movement but you didn't mind.
"You know what I meant, right?" You placed your hand on his thigh.
"No, I don't know."
"I mean the baby." You pinched his cheek which he turned away to avoid your touch. "You can joke around like that but I can't?"
"You said you don't love me anymore. How could you say that to your husband?"
"I was joking!"
"It wasn't funny!"
"Alright, I am sorry I said that. Why are you being oversensitive— oppa! Where are you going?" He was trying to get away from you again.
"I'm craving for some mangoes. We got them in the fridge, right?" He headed toward the kitchen. You let out an amused laugh and shook your head in disbelief. Is he pregnant?
"Hmm?" You turned around from the mirror, hand halting from combing your hair. Your eyes scanned the tall figure of your husband that was sprawled on the bed. "What is it, oppa?"
"My feet… cramping." He muttered sleepily.
You frowned, placing the comb on the vanity table before walking toward the bed and touched his ankles.
"Again? Here?" You massaged his ankles lightly as he nodded. "Oppa, I think we have to go to the hospital for a check-up. This has been going for the whole week. I am worried."
"Let's do that in an hour. Come here." He patted the space next to him. "Let's cuddle."
You covered your mouth but your action only managed to muffle your laughter. You were in the car with Yongguk who was driving back home and what the doctor said about his illness was rather amusing to you.
"Stop laughing. I am currently very irritated." He sent you a playful glare.
"I'm thankful that you take the morning sickness away from me." You stated, smiling. "You're a very dependable husband. I am so proud of you. But it is still funny, though."
"See how much I love you?" He winked his eyes which you reacted by slapping his arm.
"It's amazing, isn't it? This sympathetic pregnancy... Now we can proudly say we're carrying together."
"When I said I would take all the pain away from you, I mean it literally. Damn, I am such a wonderful husband."
"You're oppa. That's why I love you so much."
"I love you more than you love me and more than you love yourself."
"That's a lot."
"You deserve a lot, and all the best things."
"God." Yongguk groaned, hitting his own back with his fist to lessen the ache. After your water broke, he had been restless and experiencing body pain. It was expected because the doctor mentioned the possibility during the first time you and Yongguk went for a check-up.
"Oppa, you don't have to come into the labour room later." You said, also in pain and was lying on the bed in the ward. Still waiting for your opening to open to the expected size.
"You don't have to worry about me. Focus on yourself." Yongguk assured you, planting a kiss on your forehead.
"I am sorry for everything. I am sorry for burdening you."
"Shhh… I love you. I love you so much. Do you hear me?" Yongguk whispered to your ear, trying to comfort you and preventing you from overthinking. You nodded, stealing a kiss from his lips as his face was so close.
"Now I am kind of jealous." You commented with a light smile tugging on your lips. Yongguk was carrying your firstborn in his arms, his eyes were big as he stared at the tiny creature with affection. And he had been in that position for almost fifteen minutes without saying a word. When he finally looked up, you saw his eyes glistened with happy tears.
"Which baby?"
"You." He chuckled. "She's so beautiful and tiny. Her little lips and little nose… I am so happy, baby. I am so happy. Thank you so much. Thank you for the best gift I've ever received in my life. Did I tell you I love you? Yes, I love you. And thank you. Thank you."
"We did this together, oppa. Take some credit."
"She's so pretty." His gaze was on the baby, he was acting like he was spellbound. "God, so precious. I love her so much. My heart is pounding so loud."
"I'm getting jealous for real now, oppa."
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